Sunday, October 26, 2008

Spooky Cross

JS and I did our very first cyclocross race,Spooky Cross, which was held out at Living History Farms. There was alot of mud and ALOT OF WIND!!! Did I mention the wind....When you are riding on the flat and you are out of gears it is windy. Well enough about that. I am not the best bike handler, I found that trail very unnerving for me. Bill and I did a practice ride ,by the time we got done I was crying, I told Bill that I couldn't do it. I just couldn't do it I was that unnerved by the conditions. I sat in the truck for a while then JS showed up,told me that I just needed to take it easy and that I would be fine. I needed to just do my own race and not worry about anyone else. Thank you for not going easy on me, you just stated that you can do it and that was that.

I had been practicing at Maytag park in Newton, I was thinking hills and turns, this trail was not so many turns and hills for that matter it was more like a mt bike trail I think. After last week I was kind of gun shy on the whole mt biking thing. I did learn that bruises are a "Badge of Honor". Well by golly I am full of honor then. :). Ok I am getting off track here.

JS, gruncle Kurt and I did another practice lap and this one went better for me. I was starting to calm down. By the time the race started I just wanted it over I was so cold. I started in the back so I could just go my own pace, I was surprised at how tight and tired my legs were. They just did not want to move. It is kind of disheartening when a little boy about 10 on a mt bike passes you, but hey I was doing my own race. I made it thru the mud and over the bridge, up the first hill just fine. The next part I knew that I would be walking some and i did but that was ok. It actually went better than I thought. I got in two laps, I was coming up on the finish, Bill had just passed the start/finish and they flipped the lap counter to 0. I asked if I was done and they said "Yes". Thank goodness I could have done another lap but it would have been a very long lap. So I became a cheerleader for those out on their last laps.

Overall I came in 18 out of 20 finishers. How would I rate my first cyclocross race? I guess that I am disappointed in myself, I thought that I would have an easier time of it, I had been doing fine at Maytag park. I was disappointed in myself that I wanted to not even try. I am usually out there trying and if I mess up ok that is life. I do not know what was going on today.

Bill did great he was having alot of fun, he is a good bike handler and has done alot of mt biking not lately but he still has the skills. I am proud that he wanted to do it with me. Julie S. did awesome. She is a very good bike handler, a determined individual, and a great friend. I am very proud of you JS. Thank you for not letting me quit.

We had a great cheer leading crew. Thank you Kyle, especially for the push up the hill and the push after the bridge. Is that cheating? :). Thank you Mindy, Alexa, Taylor and Bruce for all of your encouragement. Sorry Taylor I will never yell at you again that you are having the time of your life when you are riding the last lap of a race...bad JG..Bad JG...:)

This is the last "race" of the year for me. There are a couple of rides coming up that JS and I are doing. Cranksgiving and Tour De Lights but no more races. I plan on being a cheerleader for The Iowa cyclocross championship and Jingle Cross. Then until January 1st just rest and relaxation. After the 1st the Tri training starts.

I will reflect more on the year when January gets closer.




Mindy said...

I just wanted to say that you guys did wonderful out there despite weather conditions. GREAT JOB!

bluecolnago said...

you gals did great out there and both of you looked like you were having fun. that's what counts!