Saturday, April 19, 2008

I CAN ride!

I didn't get to race in Kyle's Mt. Bike Crit today, but I did get out for a ride.

I rode with Kristin & Kim from All9Yards, and Maria from PRC. I was a little nervous as I knew these girls were in lots better shape than me.
Well come to find out...if I don't talk too much, concentrate, and just keep spinning...I can keep up! Yes, I did take advantage and stayed in the back for a little pulling, but I figure riding with these 3 I could cheat a little! We rode to Cumming and back, with a little stop for a drink, and I'm pretty sure the pace stayed anywhere from 17-19mph! That's pretty quick for me.
My legs are tired, but I'm ready to try out my NEW bike tomorrow with JG!! She has had her bike out a couple times, and tomorrow we are going to ride together, with Bill following in case we have any issues with mechanicals or adjustments! Thanks Bill!!
It felt GOOD to get out on the bike again!

In another note. On Thurs I had just a few minutes before swim practice and was determined to get a mile in on the treadmill. Well...11 minutes mile! That is really good for me. I'm taking it as a good sign my training is better than I have thought. Considering I've been sick, taking care of a sick child and still accommodating my husband by letting him ride more!

Now that tax season is over, I plan to swim over some of my lunch hours and if I can find a decent route and ride in to work from the babysitters house a couple days a week.

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