Monday, February 18, 2008

Update for JG

It has been a while since I checked in. Last week was a tough week. If anyone ever tells you that a tetnus shot will not hurt DO NOT believe them. I had a physical last week and my doctor said I needed a tetnus booster. It about put me down for the whole week. I was struggling just to make it through work let alone exercise. However I plowed on through, it was not pretty but I kept at it. If I couldnt do the whole scheduled workout I did what I could. I am still tired this week which makes me wonder if I might be coming down with something. I could just be tired from having to scoop that lovely wet crap we got this weekend. If you ever want to know when it is going to snow. Just call and I will let you know when Bill is going to be out of town. It will snow alot.

I did find out that I have high cholesterol. My doctor wants to put me on medicine, However I will fight that to the end So I need to buckle down and eat right and lose some of these weight. I am a very bad stress eater and when I stress I want sugar, if anyone has any suggestions for a replacement to sugar PLEASE let me know. I have started a food diary except I am terrible at keeping a diary. I am just terrible at alot of things.

Bill about has all of the parts for my tri bike. We did get into a little spat over it. He wants the best and I can understand that, I would just like to know so I am not shocked by the price. He even gets things at great prices. I keep telling him that the bike is going to be alot faster than the person riding it. I might suck at the tri but by golly I will have a great looking bike!

If I had to put the sports in order of how I feel I am doing I would have to say swimming, Biking and running. The running is going terrible. I need to get outside and with the weather the way it is it is not happening. I still have time.

Until next time...


1 comment:

Julie said...

I have started taking fish oil supplements and I truly believe it's not only helping with my cholesterol, but it's helping me lose weight. Check this out: