Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'm here...

This weekend didn't work out like I wanted. Sunday became a lazy day, so I forced myself to go sit on the trainer at 8:30pm after Alexa went to bed. I ended up doing 45 minutes. Nice and steady during my show and fast spin during the commercials.

I found a little triathlon workout in my Fitness magazine. I am going to follow it as a guide for what I should do each day. It is for beginner and some of the distances are not much at all. So I will bump it up to fit me more.

Monday is rest day, so I didn't do anything last night.
Tonight is supposed to be biking. But since I am at the Y coaching I will switch and do Wed. walk/run/strength. I will do the biking Wed night at home.

Eating has still been going good.
Sunday was a bowl of cereal for breakfast, leftover mexican lasagna for lunch, Pork roast and veggies for supper. Snack was a cookie.

Monday was small baggie cereal and banana for breakfast, leftover pork roast and veggies for lunch, carrots and celery w/peanut butter for snack, breaded fish/veggies/tator tots for supper.

It's amazing when you don't eat as many carbs how fatigued your body feels. I don't know how anyone can do an Atkins diet! I would not be able to handle it!!!

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