Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Gravel and stuff

I am taking a different approach this year to riding. I have always ridden road bikes, I like my road bike however with all of the car vs bike issues going on road riding kind of scares me. So I have taken to the gravel. Living in Newton, working in Pella and being from Pella I know alot of gravel roads. I have been trying to map out different routes which has been alot of fun, Hopefully I can get some of the ladies to drive down from DSM to ride some of them with me.

Since I made my decision to not do any triathlons this year, I seem to be more relaxed. Which to me means that it was the right decision.

Latest Greatest:

About froze my butt of saturday at the Colfax gravel circuit race. I was a stop sign on a corner. I think that I might have found my calling.

Sunday I rode the Chill - i - ride, this is a ride put on by the CIC, central Iowa cyclist. We got to ride around the race track. I rode 1/2 of the way with the group(I had to get a cookie or two) then took off and scouted out some gravel roads. I am finding out there a ALOT of hills around here but I knew that.

JS and I are now officially signed up for sun, mon and tues of RAGBRAI. Watch out world the Julies' are on the loose.

I have been uncovering my plants, it was a long winter for them. I think they are happy to get the mulched leaves off of their little stems. I am also trying to decide what to grow this year.

I am still swimming twice a week and actually running more now then when i was training. Figure that one out.

That is about all for now...until next time PEACE!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Looks like that is what both of us have in tune for this year! I think it is well deserved for the both of us. We had a couple of years of working hard and I think everyone needs to take a break from the work.

I would like to do a couple sprint tris in 2011, we'll see how I'm doing with everything after this year! I may like the fun factor instead...we'll see!!

Look for the Julie's havin' fun at races and cheering everyone else on!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

JG's 2010 Goals


To Have  Fun! Plain and simple Just to have fun.

I want to do more off road riding,
Mountain Biking - hone my skills (ok they need ALOT of work)
RAGBRAI is on the calendar with JS
Get the girls together once a month for a gravel ride, different place and route each month.

No Individual Triathlons, I am not having fun doing them, so I am taking a year off and will reevaluate it next year. I might go back and I might not, Only time will tell.

So there you have it JG's 2010 goals! A little late but better late than Never...LOL.
