Once Julie and I arrived at the transition area, I found Kristin's bike and made sure I knew exactly where to run to for our FAST transition. I found some of the people I knew that were participating and wished them luck and then headed to the beach.
My first intention was to get a good warm-up in, but then decided against it when I got down to the beach and there was a nice cool breeze that if I was wet would have had me shivering all my energy out! Since I had 30 minutes before my wave, I stretched my arms and sides and tried to loosen up a little that way.
Once our wave was ready to go, I finally felt ready! Ready, set, GO...I stayed to the outside and got a good start in. Round the first buoy and got ran over by a BIG guy! A little composure and back off on my way. It was feeling really good and I thought I was sighting pretty good. Let's take a few side strokes and see where the buoys are and make sure I'm on track...CRAP...I'm way too far from the buoys!! As I start angling in I ran into a bunch of guys doing backstroke, back out to get around them and angle in again!
I finally got closer and headed around the last buoy, so with the last stretch left I try to kick it in, once again getting off track on the sighting...NOT my DAY!! I finally hit the beach and book it into transition. I about collapsed while Kristin was taking the time chip. I look over and she is trying to put it on backwards...I help her quick and off she goes!
Final swim time of 35:40 (1.5K)...not too bad, but not as good as the year before.
Kristin rocked it on the bike with a time of 1:10:14 (40K)
Kelly kicked it in the run with a 1:02:15 (10K)
We ended 14th out of 53 teams!
Second, I am a Winner! I posted a comment on Steve Stenzel's blog and won a supply of Monkey Drink mix! Here I am with the winnings and my first go at a Monkey Drink, I will need to add more flavor next time, but it was good! JG will be getting some of the supply too...since we do share this blog!
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